Telecommunication Data Processing

Sayed Farag
Sayed Farag

March 29, 2024

Telecommunication Data Processing

Procedures script to read the raw building list from a Telecommunication service provider and process the data

1- Reading the buildings list.

2- Reformat the buildings list and prepare it for SmartyStreets.

3- Run SmartyStreets from its folder.

4- Reading the result list of SmartyStreets.

5- Preparing the new address formula to be ready for geocoding.

6- Checking for bad addresses.

7- Filtering duplicates.

8- Prepare the input list of geocoding.

9- Run the geocoding script.

10- Reading the result list of geocoding.

11- Filtering the good addresses.

12- Check for bad addresses so that we can take their Lat/Long values from SamrtyStreets result list.

13- Export good addresses in a new CSV file.

14- Implement a spatial join to add the needed data from columns ('sw_clli', 'npa', 'nxx', 'lata').

Link to the Python script:

Tools used

JupyterLabMicrosoft ExcelPythonQGISShape files

Plug-ins used



Data ExtractionData PreparationSpatial AnalysisSpatial Data Science

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