Network Coverage Map

Kevin Potgieter
Kevin Potgieter

January 12, 2022

Network Coverage Map

A JSON and Image API for Internet Service Providers to show consumers where their coverage is for the network services they provide. This also allowed a consumer to place an order based on where their current location is.

The Coverage Maps were usually built by us, but, using the APIs, could be built by the clients themselves.

The service sucessfully handles thousands of requests a second as each map pan requests new tiles, or point-in-polygon, closest-line or distance-sphere calculations.

Major steps in providing this service was

  • Ingesting CSV/SHP/Table/Tiff data from a clients (usually lacking) GIS department using ogr2ogr/DataGrip/Excel/Google Cloud Storage
  • Preparing the data to fit into a standard model for various solutions using Postgres+PostGIS/Turf/Google Big Query
  • Serving the Image data as tiles from Geoserver on Google Compute Engine
  • Serving the JSON end points using NodeJS on Google App Engine
  • Building the Coverage Maps for use on Google Maps with Places API
  • Providing analytics and statistics from various usage logs as a visualization using DeckGL and Google Big Query

Tools used

GeoserverGoogle Cloud PlatformNodeJSPostGIS

Plug-ins used

DeckGLGoogle Maps API


Consumer MapsCoverage MapData PreparationPoint-in-Polygon

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