Extracting Morphologic units in Nigeria

Ireoluwa Orodiji
Ireoluwa Orodiji

October 18, 2023

Extracting Morphologic units in Nigeria

The study identified and analysed the morphological units of the Nigeria coast. The coastline was extracted from Landsat images spanning multiple years, including 1986, 2000, 2006, 2012, 2016, 2020, and 2023. By examining the coastal morphology over time, we gained insights into the dynamic nature of the coastline and its response to various factors such as erosion, deposition, and human activities.

The analysis involved delineating distinct morphological units, such as sandy beaches, dunes, cliffs, estuaries, and tidal flats, among others. This comprehensive investigation contributed to a better understanding of the coastal environment in Nigeria and provide valuable information for coastal management, conservation, and decision-making processes.

Plug-ins used

USGS Earth Explorer


Coastline Geospatial AnalysisLandsatMorphological Units

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