Just for fun :)

Hannah Mosiniak
Hannah Mosiniak

August 23, 2024

Just for fun :)
Just for fun :)

GIS analyses can be incredibly impactful in real-world applications, but sometimes it's nice to be creative and maybe a little silly with it. These maps are some of the fun little things I've done that are useless in an analysis sense, but still little projects I enjoyed.

  1. This first map was the result of playing around with some tools in Arc Pro just for fun. The focal point is the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at University of Michigan, and I calculated quite a few concentric buffers at 5 mile intervals. The 5 mile was a little cluttered looking, so I used modular arithmetic in a field calc to filter down at different intervals. I then downloaded a layer of road networks in Michigan and ran intersection points where the buffers met the roads. I used those points to generate a TIN, slapped on a firefly effect, and that's it. Completely useless analytically, but nice enough aesthetically that the specialization I was in at SEAS used it as our group chat cover photo.

  2. The second map shows my ventures into hand drawn maps. I'm not gifted in the fine arts when it comes to anything that uses a writing utensil, but I decided to challenge myself to learn to draw maps by hand. This was an early attempt at a tiny, mountainous island.

Tools used

ArcGIS Pro

Plug-ins used

hand drawnmultiple ring BuffersTIN


Designfor funhand drawn

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