This group project was submitted for a class on adaptability. The group work was divided up among the members. My role was to gather, process, digitize, analyze, and visualize all data for the presentation, which was an interactive story map. For the project, land surface temperature (derived from Landsat) was calculated and compared to historically redlined neighborhoods. The average temperature by redlined zone was averaged and an ANOVA was performed that showed drastically higher (and statistically significant, p<0.05) temperatures in class H (historically Black districts) than in class A (historically white districts). This served as the precursor to the work I did the following year for my Master's thesis.
Extreme Heat in Washington, DC Story Map
Tools used
ArcGIS ProArcGIS Story Maps
Plug-ins used
ANOVAdplyrSpatial statisticsStoryMaps
RedliningStoryMapsUrban Heat Island
More by Hannah Mosiniak
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