2b: Measuring Distance: Lima to Rio

Patrick Ansell
Patrick Ansell

September 18, 2024

2b: Measuring Distance: Lima to Rio

For this project we had to first change all of the symbology of locations and points of interest all over the world, along with adjusting the scale to only show the names when zoomed to a certain extent. From this, I could measure the exact distance between 2 specific locations in South America, from Lima, Peru to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This ended up being 3,757.05km. I could apply this exercise in the field of wildlifeconservation to track and measure the migration paths of endangered species. By adjusting map symbology to highlight key habitats and migration corridors, and using distance-measuring tools, I could analyze how far species travel between protected areas or seasonal habitats.

Tools used

ArcGIS ProMeasureMeasure distanceSelect By Location

Plug-ins used



citiescountriesdistanceextrusiongraduated symbolsmeasureselectSouth America

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